Opening hours: 8am to 6pm
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm


Retina is a layer at the back of the eye where image formation takes place. It is composed of blood vessels, nerve tissue and light sensitive cells and is critical for vision.

Any damage to this layer unless diagnosed on time and treated urgently can lead to permanent blindness.

It can be affected in a variety of health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, heart diseases etc.

Death of retinal light sensitive cells can also happen because of ageing and certain genetic conditions.

High minus glasses can also be associated with conditions like retinal detachment, weak areas in the retina (Lattices, retinal holes)

At DMEH we offer state of the art retina diagnostic and treatment services to help you take care of this precious layer.

To visualise the retina your eyes will first be dilated using topical drops which will take 30-40 mins. Your vision will remain blurred for 4 to 5 hours following dilation so be sure to be accompanied by an attendant if you are coming driving.
Following clinical examination by your doctor , advanced tools such as OCT, angiography, fundus photography, and ultrasound are utilized to assess and monitor retinal health. Photographic documentation of the retina enables us to track improvements over time.

Clinical examination can sometimes miss microscopic layer wise details of the retina which can be visualised using this high definition OCT machine.

Using an intravenous injection of yellow fluorescein dye, blood vessels within the retina can be visualised. This technique is invaluable for identifying leaky blood vessels and areas of compromised blood supply . Subsequent photography documents the findings.

These imaging methods can help track the progress of ageing conditions of the retina such as age related macular degeneration, uveitis ,genetic conditions(Retinitis Pigmentosa etc) to help in guiding you about your condition and its effect on your day to day activities.

When your eye is affected by advanced problems like matured cataract, Bleeding in the eye ,corneal diseases etc, the back part of the eye cannot be seen because of the light blocking effect of these conditions. In this case ultrasound is used to give us a clue on the status of the back part of your eye.

For the treatment of retina conditions we offer a wide range of services delivered by highly trained retina specialists.

Retinal LASER :
We offer both INDIRECT OPHTHALMOSCOPY (LIO) and Slit lamp multi-spot laser At DMEH. This technique is commonly applied to address conditions like diabetic retinopathy, venous occlusions, peripheral retinal holes, and lattice degenerations. Our Multi-spot low energy laser makes laser for conditions like diabetic retinopathy, vein occlusions faster and more comfortable for the patient.

Eye injections of drugs such as Lucentis, Avastin, Ozurdex, and more. These injections, delivered after pupil dilation and topical anesthesia, are aimed at halting vision loss.

They have proven effective in arresting the progression and even reversing the pathology of diabetic retinopathy, vein occlusions, and age-related macular degeneration.

At present we offer Scleral buckling and pneumatic retinopexy procedures for retinal detachment.

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